
More Intolerance from the Tolerance Movement

I was browsing through ChristianPost.com this morning and an article caught my eye.

A florist and owner of Arlene's Flowers from Richland, Washington, Barronelle Stutzman, took a stand against the abomination of sodomy when she refused to make a floral arrangement for a sodomite "marriage". And now her livelihood is being threatened in the courts by the radical left.

You can view the article by Samuel Smith, a Christian Post reporter, here:

One comment to the article stated that "Bigotry coated in religion is still bigotry. Would Jesus turn away a same sex couple? No, he would not. She will be judged when it is her time and she has turned her back on the Lord." QUOTE - CP FRIEND, JOEL BUTLER

I don't know what Jesus this guy is referring to, but it isn't the Jesus of the Bible. Jesus made it plain in his word that "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." (Leviticus 18:22) God the Son also makes it plain that we can't socialize even with one of the brethren who fornicates. "But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator...with such an one no not to eat." (I Corinthians 5:11)

It gave me joy to see this woman doing what we all should do, standing unwavering in the face of persecution to the glory of Jesus Christ. We should pray for her and pass on her story.

What's more, the radical left hypocrites are actually, themselves, in violation of Washington state law which plainly states "Absolute freedom of conscience in all matters of religious sentiment, belief and worship, shall be guaranteed to every individual, and no one shall be molested or disturbed in person or property on account of religion;" quoted from the Washington State Legislature website:

I guess when you live in a world where your morality is relative and not regulated by a sovereign God, you can just pick and choose which laws you want to observe. In fact, we already have a word that describes laws made without absolute authority: OPINION. And that's not what we should base our legal system on.

The left-wingers never fail to be creative with their interpretation of the law. I mean, what next?

Courtesy of Moral Relativism